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23.  Julia Rose

23. Julia Rose



FaceBook: (PERSONAL) (BIZ)



TIKTOK: @juliarose021 

Radically saved by Jesus after observing thousands of Satan worshippers cursing President Trump on his twitter (now X) feed in 2020 when he had covid.  

That began a journey that led me (Julia) to follow Jesus and dedicate the gifts God blessed me with to share the gospel through art.  I have been called into the minstry of arts and am blessed and highly favored.

I am so encouraged by the testimony of others and love to listen to and share online testimonies.  

My favorite online sources for testimonies include:

  1.  Deep believer host Jennifer Bagnaschi who shares amazing true supernatural testimonies about encounters with the living God Jesus Christ.  

  2. One for Israel, Jews for Jesus,

  3. Sid Roth . 

  4. Delafetes Testimonies 

  5. A Stronger faith 

  6. Freddy Ramirez ,

  7. Translation by faith

  8. Still Waters https:/  

I represent the average person…the unknown names that believe in and in small and large ways fight for truth and justice….living for Jesus.  According to the left, “the garbage” Trump supporter.   

I am so grateful to God that he blessed me with gifts that I now use to glorify His Kingdom by sharing the gospel through the arts.  Like many things, the arts have been largely captured by the enemy of God. 

I consider what I do a ministry.  You will often find me praying with and for people as I exhibit to secular and non-secular audiences alike.  I walk by faith and this Christina adventure of following Jesus has been rewarding and full of surprises.  I am grateful for God’s Holy Spirit to guide me and the gift of salvation, mercy and grace through Jesus Christ my savior and Lord.  

I have accepted Jesus into my heart to lead all aspets of my life. I am on a c0-mission with God to share the gospel of Jesus Christ and lead them closer to Him so they can love Him more. My faith commands that I share it with others. I am no better than anyone else. The only reason I am no longer in darkness, but stand in truth, is my the grace of God and the blood of Jesus. Although I love my country and its people, my own government (who seem to answer to an unseen power not seated behind the desk of the oval office) calls people like me a threat...dangerous. When churches burned during the 2020 Floyd riots...there were no consequences. If someone attacks a Christians for their beliefs, there is no coined term for is it called "hate speech". If you attack Jews, you are antisemitic.  If you attack Muslims, you are an Islamaphobe.

But if you attack Christians…you might actually get a promotion.   

The levers of power say that “Christian Nationalists” are the greatest threat to America.

Not terrorist, not open borders allowing the criminal degradation of our society and endless flow of drugs and human trafficking, Not the declining population, and poor health, not the plummeting dollar and the fact that we are at the brink of wWW3.  No…the woke-mind-virus says YOU (whose God commands you to pray for your enemies), yes YOU…are the greatest threat to the nation you love.   

If you do not yet know Jesus Christ in a personal and intimate way, I encourage you with all my seek Him with all of yours. If you truly WILL find Him. His word says so...and His word is TRUE...He alone is TRUTH. God (Jesus is the word of God manifested in the flesh) is inviting you to know Him. Go to a quite place alone...and humbly ask Him if He is real. I promise you He is. It is my strong belief that the only thing that has held back teh powers of darkness from consuming this country and sending us into a darkness that we could not recover from is God. He has created a way to reconcile us...and He has given us time to fulfill our Kingdom destiny here on fight for the fruits of His Holy Spirit. As children of light, we are called for a "time such as this".

What if the Bible isn't just a story?

Talk to God.

He's waiting for you.

"Conservative Ant" (Gays against groomers) shares One Nation Under God with his 1 million+ TikTok followers.

I used to be new age -but now agree with this pastor

Jesus is real

I wonder if the cocaine found in the White House was Hunter’s…or 

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