One Nation Under God
Currently accepting ORDERS for LIMITED EDITION original-sized 60" x 48" studio canvas museum quality archival Giclees reproductions. These are extremely high quality and the cloest possible to the original art in a limited edition of 120. Each limited edition will be signed, numbered, and hand embellished by the artist and includes the addition of one person (with coupon code 1176) in the UPPER ROOM of the painting reproduction (additional people can be added for a fee).
INCLUDES YOU or one other person painted into this piece of History.
Use coupon code 1776
(additional people can be added for $200 each)
The inspiration:
“One Nation Under God” is about the movement in American back to its Judeo-Christian roots, and Make America GODLY Again (MAGA). Each of the 120 in the “Upper Room” were prayerfully selected, and have played a role in the movement of our nation back to Godly values. They are no all believers (yet), but they each tell a part of the story. Jesus Christ (Lion of Judah and Holy Spirit) is on the throne at the capital. I’m grateful to God for the election results of 2024, and It is my prayer that this nation seek God in all things, as we cannot win any battles without Him. "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and I will heal their land" (2 Chronicles 7:14) While there is much debate recently about our nations Judeo Christian roots, the original 13 American colonies required a religious oath to hold public office, which often included professing belief in Jesus Christ. Our public officials are sworn in on a Holy Bible. Not long ago, all those witnessing in court were required to swear in on the Bible. From the first to the last sentence of The Declaration of Independence, it boldly credits God as the guide for our nation and the source that endows humans with unalienable rights. * First sentence reads: The source of power is "the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God" * Last paragraph reads: "And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor" * Most famously the Second paragraph reads: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness" While I would argue that this and many other things definitively point to our nations foundation on Godly principles, I would say that our current state is far from that. America has fallen away from its roots and wickedness has been allowed to reign for far too long. Our nation is largely dead in Christ…we have forgotten who we are and have become “lovers of self”, just as the word of God prophesied. As a nation we must humble ourselves, repent (turn around), and seek God’s wisdom in ALL things. We cannot win any battles against the “woke mind virus”, or any other evil, without God. "If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land" (2 Chronicles 7:14). We are nothing apart from God. Without roots, the vine withers and dies. BUT, with God…”we are more than conquers”. “If God is for us, who can be against us”? We’ve been conditioned to believe that it is impolite to discuss politics and religion. But I ask you, should the Godless, govern the Godly? If the God fearing believers in the Gospel of Jesus and Holy bible do not impact our governance with righteous biblical principles…then does that not mean that the God”less” govern them and all of God’s people? Would it not be a much better country, if more TRUE followers of Jesus stepped up to lead our nation? On November 5th 2024, the freedom bells rang once again. By overwhelming majority, a mandate to STOP the madness, and to restore TRUTH and JUSTICE (who is Jesus). Common sense, has been uncommon as of late. God has used what His enemy meant for evil to wake up a host of sleeping lions…and we are ready to take our country back and save America! THE UPPER ROOM: Why 120 people in the painting? The number signifies the passing away of the age of the flesh and the beginning of the age of the Spirit. According to the Holy Bible, 120 were gathered in the upper room when to the Holy Spirit came upon them. This is often referred to as the day of “Pentecost”. The Church was born in the upper room. The baptism of the Holy Spirit was to mark the birth of the infant Church; and for ten days this company were gathered in the place of united prayer, until the heavens were opened and they were all “filled with the Holy Spirit” (Acts 2:4). During this time, Peter stood up in the company—there were about 120 of them in the room at the time—and said, “Friends, long ago the Holy Spirit spoke through David regarding Judas, who became the guide to those who arrested Jesus. That Scripture had to be fulfilled, and now has been. (Acts 1:15-26) Just before he ascended to heaven, Jesus told his disciples to wait in Jerusalem until they received power from God. There were 120 people waiting. The Upper Room where Jesus appeared to His disciples is the same place where He washed the feet of His disciples, instituted the Eucharist, and gave the “Great co-mission” to go and preach the good news to all nations and people. After the Ascension, the Eleven “went up to the upper room” (Acts 1:13). There, the Holy Spirit descended in the form of tongues of fire on the day of Pentecost. 120 is also interestingly found in Genesis 6:3, “Then the Lord said, ‘My Spirit shall not abide in man forever, for he is flesh: his days shall be 120 years.’” Jesus taught that the Kingdom would start out small like a mustard seed and work invisibly like yeast. He also said that there would be unbelief even if someone rose from the dead. He also said that his disciples would do greater works then he did. (Matthew 13:31–33; Luke 16:19–31; John 14:12). 120 may seem like a small start, but the very first day of Pentecost 3000 more were added…and that number continues to grow around the world today. Similarly, the movement of truth and common sense, anti-globalism, anti-evil is growing here in America daily…and around the world. People are waking up the “fake news” propaganda, and demanding a responsible, fair, just, and TRANSPARENT government. A government “by the people, FOR the people.” There is so much biblical prophecy being fulfilled in these days. Many believe that we are in the end times…and the fourth quarter of that. After much hardship and a fierce battle, in the end times Satan will be bound, and Jesus will return and reign for 1000 years as the Messianic-King. His reign will be perfectly just and fair. (Revelation 20:1–10) So, what should we focus on if Jesus is returning soon? God has chosen to work through Jesus’ followers empowered by his Spirit to change the world by the message of the Gospel and the witness of godly lives. Live your lives by the word of God. Act as if every word you speak and deed you do is being recorded by God…because it is. Yes, when we believe in Jesus and follow Him, all of our sins are forgiven…but when the Holy Spirit dwells with us, we no longer desire to sin against God. His greatest commandment is to “Love the Lord God with all your heart, mind, and soul”, and secondly, to “love your neighbor as yourself”. So go out, be fruitful, and multiply for the Kingdom of God is at hand!
On the throne sits Jesus Christ and the lion of Judah. While Jesus is first symbolized as the sacrificial lamb of God, it is written that He will return as a lion from the tribe of Juhad.
I will be adding much more detail to the bios of 120, and why I selected them for the “Upper room”. Many of the figures are VERY controversial and outspoken. With prayerful consideration, each was selected to represent a wide variety of voices that influenced this nation's movement of God. All 120 have been vocal about supporting the MAGA and truth movement sweeping our nation. Not all are believers…yet. I just came from the dark to light myself in late 2020….baptized in early 2121. And no doubt, there is likely a Judas (or many more) among them....after all, even Jesus had one within his closest 12.
I am offering LIMITED EDITION GIclees in the original size to collectors. Each museum-quality studio canvas-wrapped giclee will be hand embellished by the artist with an offer to paint the collector into the scene in the upper room (additional people can be added for a fee). There is also a special “Upper Room” edition only available for those already in the painting.
CLICK "LEARN MORE" for bios and videos.